Easter Sunday – Cycle C
Our story seems like nonsense, and a lot of people don’t believe us. But the women who came to the tomb found it empty. Peter and the disciple Jesus loved found it empty. And since that day, we have experienced the Risen Lord too. We didn’t see it ourselves, but we know the tomb is empty.
And so we will no longer seek the living among the dead. We won’t go to the places of death that lure us. We won’t smack our lips over the demise of those who have hurt us. We won’t be quick to take affront, quick to pin the blame, quick to take what’s ours.
Our hearts are changed this time. We will greet the outsider at the well. We will dance at the coming-home parties of all lost sons and daughters. We will take off the death clothes of those whom Jesus has called back from the grave. We will declare a moratorium on all stone-throwing for the rest of our lives.
When Christ our life appears, we too will appear with him in glory. But it won’t be the fullness of Easter until all tombs are empty. So, come you flowers! Come, you bird nests and robin’s eggs! Come, you seeds beneath the winter snows! Bring in Easter again, with all its truths and abundant promises. And we’ll do our part to bring Easter too. For Christ our Passover Lamb has been raised.
Therefore, let us keep the feast.
Sharing God’s Word at Home:
What “place of slavery” are your ready to leave for good?
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