Solemnity of the Epiphany – Cycle A
Reflecting on Isaiah 60:1-6. Matthew 2:1-12
More and more, we found ourselves searching the skies. For the past two years we felt drawn to this particular Star, this particular Light. It called to us, even in the daylight, and at night it drew us to Itself so intensely that one night we just set out to follow It.
Its light never dimmed, and we felt its heat and healing so strongly that we were actually pulled into It ourselves, so that we shone with a Light we’d never known we possessed.
We arrived in Jerusalem and found ourselves in the land of the Jews, those ancient people we had heard so much about. Where is your newborn King? we asked, for we too had been longing for him. King Herod, that violent murderer whose evil deeds had also reached us in the east, summoned us and told us to look for Him in the tiny city of Bethlehem. Bethlehem! The very city where their great King David was born! Then the Star appeared and led us to the very house where we found the tiny King and his mother.
We were radiant at what we saw; our hearts were throbbing and overflowing with joy. We offered our gifts to the King who called us from a faraway land, from our loneliness and darkness, into His own wonderful light.
We’ve been different ever since. Our sadness, our emptiness, our addictions, our resentments, our lack of hope for the world and for ourselves―all of that melted away when we found Him whom our hearts had sought.
We didn’t return to Herod. We went home another way. That’s what being transformed by the Light can do for you.
Sharing God’s Word at Home:
Are there places, people or things you have left behind in order to follow Him?
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I have come to light a fire on the earth; how I wish it were already burning (Lk.12:49).